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Subject: Heimdall.pm is shutting down

Okay. I wish I'd never have to write this kind of message, but here we are.

I'm tired.

I've been running heimdall.pm in my free time for (almost) two years now, in
between school, friends, and other family-related stuff. It wasn't always a
breeze, but I had lots of fun making this.

But I've been getting more and more burned out from managing all this, to the
point where I'm almost unable to work on anything related to heimdall.pm
without feeling stressed out and anxious. You've probably noticed this by the
complete lack of updates on the website / dashboard.

That's why I decided, after quite some time of thinking, to end this now. I'm
no longer able to maintain heimdall.pm to an acceptable level and I don't wish
to carry this on for much longer.

New registrations are (obviously) closed, and currently registered users should
be able to use their accounts until *september, 1st*, at which point I'll
delete all data, accounts and services associated with heimdall.pm.

Basedwa.re will *still* be online and working (as it requires far less
maintenance and attention from me). Your repositories are safe; don't worry.

If you want a complete archive of your data, you can send an e-mail to
<tom@heimdall.pm> or <support@heimdall.pm> with your PGP / Age key and I'll
send you back an encrypted tarball with your stuff.

I'm sorry for all this mess. I'll do better next time.
I love you all.

— Tom MTT. <tom@heimdall.pm>
